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Moving to Your New Office

In any move, it is rare that everything goes perfectly to plan. Be sure you’ve prepared any contingency plans for any foreseen issues and remember to go with the flow!
moving to your new office, young woman moving

Moving to Your New Office

Step 4 of the 4 Steps to Successfully Relocate Your Office

by madison ridley, headshot


Step 4: Move to Your New Office

0-3 months prior to your move date


It’s time to start making moves… Literally! At this point in your relocation process, time will pass by very quickly. So here are a few steps to keep you on track for your upcoming move date! 

  • FoneLogix Pro Tip: With FoneLogix, you can combine all of the above services under one umbrella contract. FoneLogix will be your main point of contact for all services instead of communicating with multiple providers. 

Label boxes and create inventory lists

Remember your Move Committee? Well, it’s time to designate tasks for each department/committee member. At this stage,  you should know what is making the move and what isn’t. 

  •  Make a list of everything that needs to move
  • Identify where/how it will be transferred and where it’s final location is at the new office — be as specific as possible!
  • Create a tagging system to label each item with the information on your inventory list
  • Do the same for all items that will not be making the move

Communicate updates to employees/team members

  • Make sure all Leaders communicate with their team members what the expectations are during the move
  • Be sure to create a timeline and share this with each employee
  • Be as clear and specific as possible to ensure there is a little room for error or confusion as possible
  • If there are urgent updates or changes to the timeline, communicate them as soon as possible

Make plan for utility disconnect and reconnection > Insert FLX services

  • This step is critical to ensure your business transitions smoothly without hiccup
  • Make sure your Technology Committee Member is clear on the plan for the following services:
    • Phone Systems (VOIP, Cellular, Voicemail, etc.)
    • Network Management systems
    • Internet Provider
    • Cable Communications
    • FoneLogix Pro Tip: With FoneLogix, you can combine all of the above services under one umbrella contract. FoneLogix will be your main point of contact for all services instead of communicating with multiple providers. 

Determine move-day responsibilities

  • Make sure the Committee is clear on what needs to be done on moving day
  • Create a Run of Play that maps out the entire days leading up to the move, the moving day and the days after the move
  • Be as specific as possible and don’t forget to share this with all necessary personnel

Communicate with employees, partners and customers of workflow disruption and process

  • Determine how your business will operate during the move
  • Will employeeds work remotely?
  • Will any systems be down? If so, plan ahead and communicate accordingly.


This is the moment you’ve been waiting for! Now, execute your plan and enjoy the moment. In any move, it is rare that everything goes perfectly to plan. Be sure you’ve prepared any contingency plans for any foreseen issues and remember to go with the flow!




Plan office kick off celebration

While the weeks and months leading up to the move can be all-consuming, be sure to plan a celebration once you’ve returned to your new space. 

  • Make sure all employees know the office location, new working expectations and transition plans back to the office (if they worked remotely or were not required to work during the move)
  • Celebrate the new office by providing lunch, snacks and creating a team engagement environment
  • Once your office is ready for guests, invite your clients, customers, partners to a kick off party that celebrates the new intention of your move. This is a great way to stay engaged with your partners and clients!