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When to Upgrade Your Company’s Phone System

Text messaging should be used by business marketers to engage their consumers, or to allow their customers to engage the organization. The phones used by your sales and support staff should be able to both, receive SMS and allow your customers to communicate with your sales and support teams via SMS.
Businessman with mobile phone
Businessman with mobile phone

When to Upgrade Your Company’s Phone System

Text messaging should be used by business marketers to engage their consumers, or to allow their customers to engage the organization. The phones used by your sales and support staff should be able to both, receive SMS and allow your customers to communicate with your sales and support teams via SMS.

Rich Rosen, the Founder & CEO of Fastcall—a leading Salesforce native app for phone, SMS and video and owner of two phone-related patents, recently wrote in Forbes:

“I highly encourage business marketers to engage their customers—or at least allow the company to be engaged by their customers—via text messaging. What do I mean by this? The phones used by your sales and support teams should be able to receive SMS, meaning that you should allow your customer to engage with your sales and support teams by SMS.


The business consulting firm Gartner recently reported that SMS open rates are as high as 98%, while response rates were reported at 45%. Email trails far behind with a 20% open rate and a much lower 6% response rate.”

Read the full article here


If you are looking to upgrade your phone systems to allow for business text messaging, FoneLogix has a custom solution just for you.  


Check out the full suite of FoneLogix products here.

Business Text Messaging

Learn more about SMSLogix and how business text messaging allows clients, partners and prospects to quickly contact or react to a business using their mobile devices.

What SMS Has to Offer

Leveraging SMS for Better Business Communications & Customer Experiences

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